Courteous [adjective]

Definition of Courteous:

  • Polite and showing respect for others
  • considerate of others' feelings.

Synonyms of Courteous:

Opposite/Antonyms of Courteous:

Sentence/Example of Courteous:

Mr. Pontellier had been a rather courteous husband so long as he met a certain tacit submissiveness in his wife.

It was from the biggest face that the voice had come, and Dorothy responded with a courteous "Good-morning!"

Easily accessible to all, courteous and reasonable ever, he was in many respects a model railway manager.

I was enraptured—the communication was made in the most courteous manner to the marquis.

Singularly courteous and obliging on all occasions, I, personally, have been much indebted to him for help and advice.

More than once that day was the good housewife tempted to send the three visiting Babcocks home, but was too courteous to do so.

A courteous manner, and graceful offer of service are valued highly when offered, and the giver loses nothing by her civility.

Any slight attention, or an apology made for crushing or incommoding you, is best acknowledged by a courteous bow, in silence.

His manner was easy and polished and courteous now, but that it could be very different Jessie knew to her cost.

Our efforts proved successful and a neat, courteous young woman showed us over the rambling house.

The waiter was very courteous and attentive to our needs throughout the meal.

Although they had opposing viewpoints, they engaged in a courteous and respectful debate.

She always spoke to her elders in a courteous and polite manner.

The gentleman offered his seat on the bus to the elderly woman in a courteous gesture.

The company values its employees who provide courteous customer service.

Even in a disagreement, it's important to be courteous and listen to the other person's perspective.

The children were taught to be courteous to their teachers and classmates.

He received a courteous response to his job application, even though it was unsuccessful.

Leaving a thank-you note is a courteous way to show appreciation for a gift.

Sending a courteous email is a professional way to follow up on a request.