Crepitations [noun]

Definition of Crepitations:

whisper, swish

Synonyms of Crepitations:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crepitations:

Sentence/Example of Crepitations:

Crepitation, and in some cases fissures, may be easily detected.

Torpedoes are tied to their tails; fire-crackers surround them with circles of crepitation and flame.

True crepitation is recognizable by the characteristic vibration which is interpreted by tactile sense.

They are usually sub-periosteal and when the periosteum is left intact or nearly so, no crepitation is discernible.

However, unless undue swelling exists, the exact location of the crepitation is recognized without serious difficulty.

Crepitation is readily detected, if pain and swelling is not too great to prevent passive movement of the member.

Crepitation is readily detected and frequently these fractures are of the compound-comminuted variety.

Passive movement of the phalanges in all directions is practised in order to produce crepitation.

When rotation of the parts does not occasion crepitation, gentle flexion and extension may do so.

In some chronic cases crepitation is discernible by holding the hand on the trochanter while the subject walks.