Crick [noun]

Definition of Crick:

muscle spasm

Synonyms of Crick:

Opposite/Antonyms of Crick:

Sentence/Example of Crick:

And when three come, me and Maud was on the Bar Y road where it goes acrosst that crick-bottom.

I 'membahs de time when mah mammy wah alive, I wah a small chile, afoah dey tuk huh t' Rims Crick.

His daddy died; his mother lived on a little place in town, up-crick from the bridge.

Then he got indicted with others fer robbin' a little tannery that was operatin' down the crick.

They was a crick about a hundred yards from our house, in the woods, and I went over there and laid down and watched it run by.

They was a good-sized crick at the edge of that little place, and on it an old-fashioned worter mill.

We crossed it and walked along a road that follered the crick bank closte fur quite a spell.

Jest about the middle, between the two hills, a crick meandered through the bottom land.

Dairyman Crick's household of maids and men lived on comfortably, placidly, even merrily.

She followed Dairyman Crick, and had the mournful satisfaction of seeing that Clare remained behind.