Cricked [verb]

Definition of Cricked:

twist a body part

Synonyms of Cricked:

Opposite/Antonyms of Cricked:

Sentence/Example of Cricked:

It caught him on the point of the chin, and his neck cricked like the bolt of a rifle.

And the hunter came and craned his neck till it was cricked, but nothing he saw to shoot at.

Then she might have flown at such like sympathizers with a poker, or got them down and cricked their joints by Ju-jutsu.

He ran under the arch, and nearly cricked his neck staring up at them.

I rose from my knees with a cricked back, but I had my Purple Spot neatly balanced on a really creditable mound.

There were red-winged grasshoppers and great green-gray locust-looking crickets which whistled and "cricked" all night.