Croissant [noun]

Definition of Croissant:

baked product made with flour

Synonyms of Croissant:

Opposite/Antonyms of Croissant:


Sentence/Example of Croissant:

Rue du Croissant (seventeenth century) is a street of ancient houses and the chief newspaper street of the city.

Elise finished the last crumb of croissant and drained the last drop of coffee.

They treated us remarkably well at Tours's Hôtel du Croissant.

So go we into the Rue Croissant, with its shaveless thuggeries and marauding cabs.

Ung aultre petit tableau de Nostre Dame, pourtant une couronne sur son chief, assise sur un croissant, le fond du tableau dor.

Le mince croissant de la lune, dli comme une faucille d'argent, avait disparu presque aussitt aprs le coucher du soleil.