Crusader [noun]
Definition of Crusader:
Opposite/Antonyms of Crusader:
Sentence/Example of Crusader:
While your husband has apparently escalated from objections to campaign to unhinge-y crusade, and his doing so is anathema to home as refuge for all, your most effective first move is to grant him fair points where he’s made them.
She went on to become a global human rights crusader, including investigating abuses in Sudan.
A women’s rights and gender equality crusader, Ruth Bader Ginsburg was appointed to the country’s highest court in 1993, the second woman in history, and held the post until her death.
So the spirit of the simple crusader went marching on through the war, and his name was linked forever with the cause of freedom.
The feeling that he, too, was a crusader grew strongly upon him, and by night and day was his support.
Old and thickly inhabited Europe melted away, and the young crusader stood alone and solitary among the mountains.
The crusader of the day before was none the less the crusader this morning, and he whistled soft and happy airs as he descended.
He was the young crusader again, a knight coming to rescue his lady from the hands of the infidels.
No Crusader ever fought for the Sepulcher with more heroism than many a poverty-stricken laborer to support himself and family.
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