Dampest [adjective]

Definition of Dampest:

wet, humid

Synonyms of Dampest:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dampest:





Sentence/Example of Dampest:

We entered the fruiting rooms, which were warm and damp, the air thick and cloying.

There was no one there to help her, put a damp cloth on her forehead or hold her hand to convey confidence.

A sleeved, moisture-wicking dress is the easiest thing to toss on over a damp suit.

If you’re still anxious about potential toxins in the adhesive, or simply don’t like the taste, moisten the glue strip with a damp sponge instead of your tongue.

They had to wriggle through dark, damp and cramped spaces every time they visited.

The tears came so fast to Mrs. Pontellier's eyes that the damp sleeve of her peignoir no longer served to dry them.

As for him, he much preferred the darkness of his cool, damp galleries under the ground.

First of all, wrap a portion of damp newspaper round the roots, and then tie up with dry paper.

Dense fogs always prevail, and generally make the country very damp.

A damp mist rose from the river and the marshy ground about, and spread itself over the dreary fields.