Daybook [noun]
Definition of Daybook:
Synonyms of Daybook:
Opposite/Antonyms of Daybook:
Sentence/Example of Daybook:
She managed the old daybook with surprising ease; Holm glanced at her from time to time as she worked.
He once showed me his daybook in which were noted down over five hundred dollars lent out in small sums to indigent Americans.
He was calculating even in his pleasures, and, they say, kept a regular ledger and daybook of the moneys disbursed in his vices.
Corny Kelleher closed his long daybook and glanced with his drooping eye at a pine coffinlid sentried in a corner.
As usual, Uncle Jabez was poring over his daybook and counting the cash in the japanned money box.
In the meantime Morris had repaired to the bookkeeper's desk and was looking over the daybook with an unseeing eye.
Mr. Starr hung up his coat and hat and swooped like a hawk on the daybook, at the same time calling for the book of "petty cash."
The nightingale annoyed the owl and was hushed, and the poet rimed sums in a daybook.
The daybook is banged, the bottles rattled, the counter thumped, and then he is off again with five doors slamming behind him.