debouch [verb]

Definition of debouch:

  • To emerge or issue from a narrow or confined space into a wide, open area.
  • To discharge or pour out (often used in reference to a river or stream flowing into a larger body of water).

Synonyms of debouch:

Opposite/Antonyms of debouch:

Sentence/Example of debouch:

The river debouched into the vast delta.

After the tunnel, the road debouches into a beautiful valley.

The narrow alley debouched into a busy marketplace.

As we climbed the hill, we debouched onto a breathtaking plateau.

The cave's mouth debouched onto a sunny beach.

The hikers followed the stream until it debouched into the lake.

The parade debouched from the narrow street into the main square.

After winding through the forest, the path debouched into a meadow.

The canal debouches into the main harbor, allowing boats to pass through.

The soldiers debouched from the woods and formed a line on the open field.