Declensions [noun]

Definition of Declensions:


Synonyms of Declensions:

Opposite/Antonyms of Declensions:

Sentence/Example of Declensions:

Nouns of the weak declension have -e in all cases of the singular, -en throughout the 500 plural.

Encouraged by these reflections, a new stock of patience was gathered, and the declension of the sun was viewed with less alarm.

The word Dy, which supplies this declension, is derived from Indyim mine.

I shall conclude these remarks, with full examples of each pronominal declension.

Why this steady declension, with which, considering the character of Cecilia, the court sojourn can have had nothing to do?

Protestantism in those lands is fast running to its final declension—naked infidelity.

In continental French the declension-system was preserved much longer, and did not break up till the 14th century, though acc.

Should this theory be established, the declension would be so gradual that a century would make no perceptible change.

Gather promiscuously and late, and keep without care, and rapid declension will be the result.

Hence, declension begins with the formation of the plural number.