Deducing [verb]

Definition of Deducing:

figure out, understand

Synonyms of Deducing:

Opposite/Antonyms of Deducing:

Sentence/Example of Deducing:

All that we are justified in deducing from the text is that Frisians and Eotenas are both under the command of Finn.

Christian Kings may erre in deducing a Consequence, but who shall Judge?

Hence there is of course no difficulty in deducing the actual demands of reformers.

It is certainly exploring the facts of sociology, arranging and generalizing them, and deducing laws.

To all paint manufacturers Perry rendered a substantial service in deducing for them the laws set forth in his address.

Instead of deducing the world from their first principle, they simply denied the reality of the world altogether.

The whole operation of philosophy henceforth consisted in deducing consequences.

The casuistic sophistry of the canonical legists in deducing these war theories from the Koran is altogether futile.

They base this (principle) on the prevalent habit of deducing therefrom conjectures about futurity.

For 1500 years science was forced to confine itself to a system of deducing scientific truth from scriptural texts.