Deflates [verb]

Definition of Deflates:

reduce or cause to contract

Synonyms of Deflates:

Opposite/Antonyms of Deflates:

Sentence/Example of Deflates:

Instead, we see the responses at fairly deflated levels, and even growing more pessimistic over time, since the summer.

“The Overnight” attempts to deflate the myth that penis size matters.

Holes that cause your pad to completely deflate overnight can be tiny and nearly impossible to spot, even with the usual at-home tricks.

Much of Win at All Costs is dedicated to deflating this particular aspect of Salazar’s image, thanks to new testimony from ex-NOPers like Goucher and her husband Adam, as well Steve Magness, the former coach turned USADA whistleblower.

The airless rubber tires never deflate and can withstand heavy use, and the bike overall is lightweight but surprisingly durable.

On landing they would solemnly don their clothes, deflate the skins, and go their way.

It seemed most everyone was rushing to deflate the pizza bubble and end our love affair with the anchovy.

It may tend to deflate our ego to think that there may be intelligent beings not too different from us who are advanced beyond us.

German cockroaches may attack newly molted nymphs of their own kind and cause them to deflate (Gould and Deay, 1938).

On returning, they simply deflate their skin, and sling it over their shoulders.