Defrayed [verb]
Definition of Defrayed:
Sentence/Example of Defrayed:
Both companies let customers share rides to defray costs, but it takes a lot to fill a Falcon 9, so minor missions often tag along with larger ones and launch on their terms.
A substantial balance had been handed over to Mrs. Sinclair, and this defrayed the expenses of the funeral.
As is well known, the expenses of the educational department are defrayed from the other half of the income of the fund.
All expenses after the marriage are, of course, defrayed by the bridegroom.
The expenses of The Lantern—including a generous douceur to myself—were all defrayed by the Empress.
The expenses in a rural parish are defrayed by means of a rate raised with, and as part of, Public Libraries Acts.
The expense entailed by these measures was to be defrayed by five years revenue of the conquered provinces.
Of course he defrayed the whole expense, and on their return he gave them a treat of tea and strawberries.
The other theory was that the war expenditures ought to be defrayed entirely out of war taxes.
His demands of subsidy were therefore moderate, and easily defrayed by a nation which was making rapid advances towards opulence.