Deletion [noun]
Definition of Deletion:
Opposite/Antonyms of Deletion:
Sentence/Example of Deletion:
It can come in the form of a deletion, addition, or change in the type of a single nucleotide.
The researchers' interest in deletions started with their involvement with an immunocompromised cancer patient, who held off the infection for over two months without being able to clear the virus.
A district spokeswoman acknowledged that the trainings took place but said the purpose was to show staff what a permanent deletion looked like, so they could avoid doing it.
Users were “cautioned that deletion from the recovery folder would amount to permanent deletion from the system,” she wrote.
It dragged its feet long enough to run up against the 100-day automatic deletion, meaning it deleted public records even after they’d been requested, in violation of the law.
Data deletion capabilities are also improved, enabling businesses to comply with deletion requests from users without having to remove more data than ncessary.
One of the top SEO products that Moz offers is its Moz Local, which helps companies check their local business listing, automate online deletions, and optimally manage their profiles in real time.
Cordelia calmly insisted on the deletion of the newly inserted paragraph surrendering the dramatic rights of the book.
If he should perish through the deletion of this creature, she would account herself his slayer.
"You have not considered that the deletion you intend will destroy my father," she said quietly.