Delinquents [adjective]

Definition of Delinquents:

irresponsible, defaulting

Synonyms of Delinquents:

Opposite/Antonyms of Delinquents:

Sentence/Example of Delinquents:

Over 11,200 San Diegans behind on their water bill owe more than $1,000, which accounts for 16 percent of the total delinquent bills.

If they overzealously collect on delinquent loans, the public relations and regulatory cost could be high—at a time when the monetary value of trying to collect on many of those loans is at an all-time low.

Until this year, lenders booked credit costs, called “provisions,” mostly based on the length of time loans were delinquent.

The reason is that the pre-delinquent is not attracted by such forms of recreation or healthy pleasure.

It is a curious and amusing fact that the great smuggler (p. 267) and real delinquent was Napoleon himself.

The hubbub increased behind him; and several peace-officers of the Royal Household came up to apprehend the delinquent.

These parsons are used to being victimised and are known not to be too harsh upon the delinquent.

Non-delinquent or non-sequestrated private patronage and the obligation of tithes were retained.

For this fact the delinquent was tried, and, on Mrs. Dodds evidence, convicted and hanged.

When he read of a bankruptcy he shuddered for fear that the delinquent might have been indebted to the Van Deust Fund.