Demolishment [noun]
Definition of Demolishment:
utter destruction.
Sentence/Example of Demolishment:
In less than fifteen minutes he announced his return by a tattoo which threatened demolishment to the door.
On the corner of this street was a most charming old façade in process of demolishment, which we deplored.
From 1381 the year of its demolishment until 1509 it was little more than a ruin.
He addressed himself to the demolishment of a ripe Cassaba melon.
But he was thinking of the Jago as it had been—he had forgotten the demolishment.
This amazing demolishment of his superstition left Mr. Gammon gasping.
For those which offer no suitable locality for these operations, the Palais de l'Industrie was used until its recent demolishment.
Was that the especial demolishment that fate held in store for him?