Departed [adjective]
Definition of Departed:
Opposite/Antonyms of Departed:
Sentence/Example of Departed:
And the girl, scarce believing her good fortune, departed with a speed that bordered on the ludicrous.
Frulein Fichtner had already departed, but the first violinist played Mendelssohn's famous concerto for violin.
Having reduced Punch to a second agony of tears Harry departed upstairs with the news that Punch was still rebellious.
"If you please," continued Mr Bellamy, nodding to them very graciously; and they departed.
The umpires, having partaken of a dram, shook hands and departed, as they had to drive out of town that night.
On this errand he departed, wrapped tightly in his cloak, walking briskly through the now heavier rain.
And Sennacherib the king of the Assyrians went out and departed, and returned, and dwelt in Ninive.
The friendship thus formed yielded much pleasure and happiness to me and, I think I may safely say, also to my departed friend.
During this and the following days, old and young proceed from one church to another, to pray for the souls of the departed.
Gaubert departed on his errand, and there were fresh murmurs in the mob until the reason of his going was understood.