Descanting [noun]
Definition of Descanting:
Sentence/Example of Descanting:
But the teacher does not go beyond this, and descant upon the opposite conditions, and promise joys ineffable and full of glory.
It is, however, a subject upon which one cannot descant before the general public.
Then the dowager and the rest of the company continued to descant upon the folly of the match.
I would take you up to me Alhambra, and descant to you for hours upon its perfections and its romantic history.
This ornament the Lady Clotilde was resolved to show to the countess, and descant on its history and its great value.
Speak of cherishing a departed friend, and they will descant on the absurdity of going about moaning and weeping all your days.
To descant on the merits of this edition to-day were foolish.
He then began with all the volubility of a chalan to descant on the points of the animal.
The last chapter of the Urn Burial is an almost rhythmical descant on mortality and oblivion.
Of course it is very easy for Sir James Graham, holding such views, to descant on the impolicy of any return to protection.