Descendent [adjective]

Definition of Descendent:


Synonyms of Descendent:

Opposite/Antonyms of Descendent:


Sentence/Example of Descendent:

The only other person at Swansby’s is her boss David Swansby, a descendent of the dictionary’s founder.

You can plausibly say today’s virtual reality is a descendent of smartphones.

If they look familiar, it’s because the Flex earbuds are a descendent of the Beats X headphones that debuted roughly three years ago in 2017.

When you visit, be sure to request a private tour of the property with Victoria Smalls, the Park Ranger with the National Park Service Reconstruction Era National Historic Park and also a Gullah descendent.

The queen of one of the islands in the Victoria Nyanza is a descendent of them.

I don't mind Slith so much, he's only a little anachronistic reptile, a descendent of happier days in dinosaurial dawndom.

His faithful descendent seized the present opportunity to celebrate the event with more pomp than ever.

Toutes ces couches descendent au sud-est suivant la pente de la montagne, mais avec un peu plus de rapidit.

Les dernires couches au nord au dessus d'trembires descendent vers le nord-nord-est, sous un angle de 40 au 50 degrs.

Leurs couches descendent par consquent vers la valle du Reposoir, situe leur pied au nord-ouest.