Designations [noun]
Definition of Designations:
name, label, mark
Synonyms of Designations:
Opposite/Antonyms of Designations:
Sentence/Example of Designations:
Now he’s fighting the Southern Poverty Law Center, whose designation of the Proud Boys as a hate group led to the aforementioned de-platforming.
The digital ecosystem is extremely diverse and evolving rapidly and it would be misguided for gatekeeper designations to be evaluated by reference to the position of an entire company or corporate group.
At the same time as Google is lobbying for limits on any gatekeeper designations, the tech giant wants to see certain types of rules applied universally to all players.
The team is working closely with the FDA and was granted a breakthrough device designation in July, which could pave the way for a human trial for treating people with paraplegia and tetraplegia.
Some scientists have argued that Neowise deserves a “great comet” designation for its brightness.
Mr. Grote, in reply, said that the designation was quite as respectable as that of "literary Whig."
This negatives the very idea of a Destitution Authority, whatsoever its designation or its policy.
Futteh Khan, in fact, governed the kingdom under the designation of vizier, while Mahmood abandoned himself to debauchery.
I called Liszt's article a criticism, but "lampoon" or "libel" would have been a more appropriate designation.
For we use "first Unity" as a designation of the essence which is beneath the "absolute Unity."