Developers [noun]

Definition of Developers:

real estate developer

Synonyms of Developers:

Opposite/Antonyms of Developers:


Sentence/Example of Developers:

In addition to developers we must have what is called the "hypo" fixing bath.

Know use of lens, construction of camera, effect of light on sensitive films and the action of developers.

There are many different developers in use, any one of which will effect the necessary transformation.

If we aim at really warm tones and use developers suited to such design, we must on no account stint the exposure.

The above is worthy to stand alone as representing developers for warm black tones, but the following works well.

The two developers which follow next, require about the same exposure as the two already formulated.

The dish used for development must not be used for other developers or stains will probably occur.

The developers tittered respectfully as befits men who have landed a good thing.

It has long been claimed that sports, games, and manual occupations are among the best developers of character.

Now that he came to think of it, he believed you did mix the two developers together!