Devotee [noun]

Definition of Devotee:

ardent supporter; fan

Synonyms of Devotee:

Opposite/Antonyms of Devotee:

Sentence/Example of Devotee:

Each January, film industry execs, insiders and devotees flock to Park City, Utah for the Sundance Film Festival — the event was one of the few held before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020.

This is, in effect, a behind-the-scenes secret history, one that Murakami fans — or devotees of publishing gossip — will find almost as irresistible as those early novels.

Add in accountability—yes, many of these trackers can post directly to your social media—which is another proven way of sticking to your healthy lifestyle, and you can see why so many people are devotees.

Today, many of its devotees are turning to it with fresh eyes.

If he were here, the law student and moral-philosophy devotee would have thought the violence at the Capitol was “the absolute worst form of crime against democracy,” Raskin said.

Key lightDespite what ring light devotees might tell you, the best way to get flattering light on a video call is with a flat, soft source of illumination.

In short, Marcella had been too long under her tuition, to become a willing devotee to the monastic rites of the Romish Church.

He was an ardent devotee of the Commonwealth and his writings exemplify this affectionate feeling.

The Hindoo devotee is exceedingly tender of the lives of animals, while he is often callous to human suffering.

A devotee admired Divine Providence for having wisely made rivers to flow through all the places where men had built large cities.