Diamonds [noun]

Definition of Diamonds:


Synonyms of Diamonds:

Opposite/Antonyms of Diamonds:


Sentence/Example of Diamonds:

Only the petrol tins they took for water right and left of their pathway up the cliff; huge diamonds in the evening sun.

Half-fed men would dig for diamonds, and men sheltered by a crazy roof erect the marble walls of palaces.

Round her neck depended from a black velvet band, strings of diamonds of great size and magnificence.

Many of these testimonials of friendship and regard were of gold and silver, and set with diamonds of the finest water.

Wonderful pendants of crystallised lime reached down from the lofty roof, shining like diamonds.

Near St. Ritta are some gold-washings in the river of the same name, and not far from them, diamonds also are found.

In South Africa gold and diamonds are plentiful; and Newfoundland has wonderful deposits of iron ore.

On her hair she wore a tiara of diamonds, only usually affected by those of royal blood.

And in the midst of these coloured fires great diamonds flashed their rays of dazzling white.

What light there was in the place scintillated on a layer of unset diamonds in the bottom of the bag.