Didactic [adjective]
Definition of Didactic:
Synonyms of Didactic:
Opposite/Antonyms of Didactic:
Sentence/Example of Didactic:
His plays are essentially didactic, being aimed at some weakness or iniquity of the social system.
In didactic poetry Lucretius was pre-eminent, and is regarded by Schlegel as the first of Roman poets in native genius.
This discussion is necessarily didactic and assertive for it is impossible to prove or disprove any of these postulates.
Some, as that of Sidi-Yusef-Hansali, are mild in their rites and of a purely didactic or religious nature.
With him the last spark of the didactic ideals of the Haskala has entirely vanished.
Like all Swiss poets, he never passed beyond the didactic and the homely in his versification.
The answer to the questions in the people's hearts is given in no cold didactic way.
They are didactic to the extreme, presenting the horrible results of sin and the corresponding rewards of virtue.
Symbolism here enters into the design, which has not only an ornamental but a didactic purpose.
Aristotle refused so to recognize it, regarding a didactic poem in the light not so much of a poem as of a useful treatise.