Dilation [noun]
Definition of Dilation:
Opposite/Antonyms of Dilation:
Sentence/Example of Dilation:
During the sessions, participants' brainwaves and pupil dilation were measured.
Breadth is the dilation of the heart, length is long-suffering, height is hope, and depth is faith.
Systole and diastole, the contraction and dilation of the heart and arteries.
His eyes, wide open, had a ghastly gleam, which the dilation of the pupils rendered all the more hideous.
They are capable of contraction, of dilation, of partial interpenetration and distortion, but never of dissolution.
She looked at him in a mighty wonder, her dark eyes open to their widest, and looking black by the extreme dilation of the pupils.
After dilation of the cervix uteri a hollow tube was put in to keep it open.
On turning the screw a cross-bar forces the two upper blades outwards, till sufficient dilation is got for operative purposes.
The girl had read more than he imagined the sudden contraction of his features and dilation of his eyes had revealed.
A proper training of the facial muscles makes this dilation possible.