Dinky [adjective]
Definition of Dinky:
tiny, small
Sentence/Example of Dinky:
We don't even have real big prizes—just a dinky little spoon sitting up on the mantel-piece to excite us as if it was a tiara.
I'm a good enough Yank to see if your dinky police is such an all-fired cute little bunch of wonder-workers as you say!
I guess its free cruising ground for anybody who can afford to own a steam yacht, or even a common little dinky motorboat.
What fun is it to walk down into that dinky little village keeping step like convicts?
But I figured out: there's camp-meetin's an' socials up there, an' a nice, dinky, white shirt once in a way goes pretty good.
It will be furnished with dinky old dull stuff, and those swell Japanese prints and paintings.
You see, Collie, he's gettin' what you might call a liberated education, full of big ideas—no dinky stuff.
And Dinky-Dunk listened, with his astronomer mouth set rather grim, and otherwise not in the least put out.
All the way out from Montreal Dinky-Dunk, in his kindly way, kept doing his best to key me down and make me not expect too much.
But I don't believe Dinky-Dunk even heard him, for he was busy throwing kisses at me.