Diocese [noun]

Definition of Diocese:

church jurisdiction

Synonyms of Diocese:

Opposite/Antonyms of Diocese:


Sentence/Example of Diocese:

Both Prospect and the diocese deny concealing the pension system’s condition.

The court-appointed receiver has filed multiple lawsuits accusing Prospect and the diocese of “omissions and half-truths actionable as fraud,” demanding that they help make the pension whole.

The archbishop of Manila sends to the king (July 30, 1621) an account of ecclesiastical and some other affairs in his diocese.

In 1848 there were only seven priests in Birmingham, and but seventy in the whole diocese.

Sangley missions of the diocese of the archbishopric of Manila, and the number of souls directed in them.

Then he returned to his province, entered the seminary, and became a sub-deacon of the diocese of Nueva Segovia.

It is a great country church of very unusual architecture, elevated to the head of a diocese in 1888.

Dr. Bowes asked Blackburn, one of their bishops, whether 'he was so happy as to belong to his diocese?'

The abbey of Langheim, in the diocese of Bamberg, Bavaria, owned a farm on which the monks kept their flocks.

The actual state of the question as between Crown and Pope may best be arrived at by considering each diocese separately.