Disappearances [noun]
Definition of Disappearances:
Synonyms of Disappearances:
● Loss
● Exodus
● Removal
● Melting
● Flight
● Wane
● Escape
● Eclipse
● Going
● Exit
● Passing
● Fading
● Ebbing
● Receding
Sentence/Example of Disappearances:
The process uses a fraction of the wood and energy of barrel aging, Bespoken said, while avoiding the disappearance of the so-called “angel’s share” of spirit that evaporates during maturation.
About a week after the disappearance, family members found her identity card and other personal documents along the side of a road between the bus stop and her destination.
The following month, her brother said at a press conference that, in the weeks prior to her disappearance, Omarshanova had received several death threats via telephone warning her to stop reporting.
Via the campaign, the organization has shared stories about the missing reporters, as well as put pressure on authorities to pursue their suspicious disappearances.
The company’s listenership hasn’t suffered much from the disappearance of the commute — prime podcast listening minute— that many stakeholders feared.
On the morning after Ramona's disappearance, words had been spoken by each which neither would ever forget.
Yet, I dare say there are some who, still attending the fair, look back with regret on the disappearance of the good old days.
That was strange enough, but in face of the mystery of Radcliffe's disappearance little attention was paid it.
The drama, as far as the Gull-Light was concerned, ended that night with the disappearance of the tug and lifeboat.
And the whole class knew that the trouble was over the disappearance of the papers for the review.