Disco [noun]

Definition of Disco:


Synonyms of Disco:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disco:


Sentence/Example of Disco:

Stigwood asked the band to add some songs to the soundtrack of a movie he was producing about the flourishing disco scene in Brooklyn.

The Crosby Club, Del Mar Country Club, San Diego Country Club and The Farms Golf Club together own more than 750 acres valued at more than $55 million, yet they continue to pay taxes at rates from 1978, when disco music was king.

These were a cause of great joy, and when Disco was reached, and some coal procured, the explorers felt almost at home.

The men continued to grumble and deceive themselves with the idea of soon getting to Disco, "where rum and tobacco were plenty."

We can see the Greenland coast plainly and to-day, the 29th, we raised and passed Disco Island.

Rima sulco rhombeo circumscripta, disco decussatim vix manifeste striato.

Disco had an easy way of changing a subject when he felt that he was getting out of his depth.

True to time also, like his predecessor, Disco roused Antonio and immediately turned in.

Disco still sat smoking and eyeing the elephant with a smile of satisfaction.

Werry odd,” said Disco, “how contrairy things turns up at times!