discombobulate [verb]

Definition of discombobulate:

To confuse or disconcert; upset; frustrate.

Synonyms of discombobulate:

Opposite/Antonyms of discombobulate:

Sentence/Example of discombobulate:

The sudden change in schedule discombobulated everyone.

Her unexpected question discombobulated the speaker.

The complex instructions discombobulated the new employee.

The magician's trick discombobulated the audience.

The news of the merger discombobulated the staff.

His explanation was so convoluted that it discombobulated the students.

The abrupt turn of events left her discombobulated.

The loud noise discombobulated the children in the classroom.

Trying to solve the puzzle without any clues discombobulated him.

The foreign language discombobulated the tourists.

The malfunctioning GPS discombobulated the driver.

The intricate dance routine discombobulated the beginners.

Her unexpected arrival discombobulated him.

The complicated math problem discombobulated the entire class.

The sudden power outage discombobulated the office workers.

The chaotic environment of the market discombobulated the newcomers.

The unexpected plot twist in the movie discombobulated the viewers.

His jumbled thoughts discombobulated his speech.

The conflicting instructions discombobulated the participants.

The fast-paced game discombobulated the first-time players.