Disfigured [verb]

Definition of Disfigured:

make ugly

Synonyms of Disfigured:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disfigured:

Sentence/Example of Disfigured:

He took the hand she held out to him, and looked down at her out of his grimy, disfigured face, an odd tenderness stirring him.

A kindly young man, with a rather wide face and hands disfigured as to fingers by much early baseball.

The discourses of our modern preachers are not disfigured by similar faults.

The moonlight made Smith's sallow, disfigured face so much more ghastly than usual, that he had the air of a ghoul or vampyre.

But when the blood had been washed from the disfigured face it was known, beyond all doubt, for that of Charles the Bold.

No fanaticism, however, has marked and disfigured the stately forms of his thoughts, on the subject of the extinction of slavery.

She is found frightfully disfigured, and is brought to bed seven days after of a black cat.

To return from the farm disfigured and ridiculed was well calculated to cool the warmest passion.

Then, except for the disfigured face and the bloodshot eyes, he was himself.

By plastic surgery and other means the disfigured mass is shaped.