Disjoint [verb]

Definition of Disjoint:

separate at joint

Synonyms of Disjoint:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disjoint:


Sentence/Example of Disjoint:

Disjoint the bone at the other joint, and remove the skin and meat from the bone by turning them inside out, as in Fig. 41.

Disjoint the bone here and remove it up to this place, as Fig. 37 illustrates.

Military operations always tend to disjoint and break up, within their scope, all the relations of society.

Pull back leg and second joint in one piece with knife; disjoint, then cut off wing.

The beach of Fales would enthrall but sterilize me—I mean the social muse would disjoint the classic nose of the other.

Disjoint them and then you have some miserable sect—Calvinism, or Unitarianism; the unity has dispersed.

Clean and disjoint the chicken, and boil until tender in water to cover.

Disjoint, break or pound the bones, and cut the meat into half-inch pieces.

Disjoint, cut breast into four pieces, cut second joints and legs apart.

The butcher should split the whirl-bone, disjoint the backbone, and split the ribs in the flank.