Disuse [noun]

Definition of Disuse:

state of non-use

Synonyms of Disuse:

Opposite/Antonyms of Disuse:

Sentence/Example of Disuse:

Under Tiberius the cake-eating fell into disuse, but the wheat ears survived.

Moreover, in spite of the disuse of several of the older scales, much of this holds good for the time of Ptolemy.

Along with this change we have to note the comparative disuse of the Enharmonic and Chromatic divisions of the tetrachord.

“Blizzard” and “mugwump” were new but a short time ago: the latter is dying from disuse, the former has come to stay.

A key was turned with the loud grating noise of long disuse, and the great door swung back.

One-half the income of those railroads which we let fall into disuse came from the ceaseless unrest.

This may have made the copies of Aristotle's text rare, and gradually led to their disuse.

The disuse of salt-fish and the greater consumption of meat marked the improvement which had taken place among the country folk.

He returns, in fact, to more than one of the principles of the old school, which had begun in his time to fall into disuse.

Leber has recently joined those cases which are described as blindness through blepharospasm, to amblyopia from disuse.