Divergency [noun]
Definition of Divergency:
Sentence/Example of Divergency:
The general outline of the stalls themselves is Gothic, the chief divergency being in the supports of the elbow rests and seats.
Nor at first did it go far in furthering tolerance or respect for divergency of moral and religious convictions.
Obviously so much discussion shows difference of opinion, divergency of conception, conflicting interests.
Among the questions raised is one which forms the object of a certain divergency of opinion.
The ribs are all of one curve and equidistant, and their divergency, resembling that of an open fan, has suggested the name.
Hence the appearing divergency in a stream of electrified effluvia.
This divergency of views on the part of the dogs also quickly put an end to their advance.
This divergency of opinion extends over the period of ten years, from 1349 to 1359.
The divergency even of a second may amount to millions of miles if you only have your lines long enough.
There has been a wide divergency of view as to the place, time, and authorship.