Djinns [noun]
Definition of Djinns:
Synonyms of Djinns:
● Rogue
● Scamp
● Ogre
● Imp
● Dastard
● Brute
● Beast
● Knave
● Villain
● Lucifer
● Satan
● Hellion
● Fiend
● Genie
● Monster
● Dybbuk
● Diablo
● Evil one
Sentence/Example of Djinns:
The parent has to play the part of Aladdin's djinn; and many a parent has sunk beneath the burden of this service.
Once upon a time a German got hold of Aladdin's lamp, and he summoned the Djinn attendant on the lamp.
The djinn was in for a lifer, and was immortal; so thought Challis to himself.
The djinn had been at once a triumph and a sad mistake of nature.
Anyway, there sure as hell weren't any djinn on Earth today.
For bait, he must have used alcohol, too, since it was the Achilles heel of the djinn.
If ever any Turk was fully convinced that a Djinn had him, it must have been the sentry that Ken jumped on.
He tried frantically to kill de Gobignon and was no more able to do it than if the man were a djinn.
If one lose one's way in Morocco, civilization vanishes as though it were a magic carpet rolled up by a Djinn.
One had always half expected it, and it does not spring at a djinn's wave out of sterile gold.