Dorks [noun]
Definition of Dorks:
Synonyms of Dorks:
● Bumpkin
● Buffoon
● Slob
● Brute
● Clod
● Lummox
● Oaf
● Goon
● Bear
● Rube
● Churl
● Boob
● Dolt
● Cad
Opposite/Antonyms of Dorks:
Sentence/Example of Dorks:
The 7-foot, bat-catching, pants-losing dork ranks among the league leaders in followers on all platforms while performing in an average-to-small media market.
“Neither do they, dork,” Hilda said, giving him an elbow in the ribs.
The earlier forms were dork and durk, and the spelling dirk, adopted by Johnson, represents the pronunciation of the second form.
I haven't made many protestations, but I tell you, Dork, I'm coming out on top of this heap!
In one of the waistcoat pockets Mr. Dork found the dead man's silver watch, with a blood-stained ribbon and a worthless gilt seal.
Mr. Dork looked about him in the moonlight, entirely bewildered by the disappearance of Samuel Prodder.
Mr. Dork wrote the young man's name in his pocket-book, and the landlord vouched for his being forthcoming when called upon.
Mr. Dork hesitated for a moment, rubbing the bristles upon his chin.
Oh, Dork, don't ask questions; it's a disgraceful affair, I fear.
Oh, hang it all, Dork, I'll go into some respectable business and earn a living.