Dorms [noun]

Definition of Dorms:

accommodation for rent

Synonyms of Dorms:

Opposite/Antonyms of Dorms:


Sentence/Example of Dorms:

Many blame skyrocketing costs on the luxurious dorms and gyms that colleges have recently used to attract tuition-paying students.

We made that sacrifice so we could afford my youngest daughter’s dorm in college.

During 32 months at the Farmville detention center in Virginia, Kevin had held on through threats from dorm mates, protests about conditions that ended in guards using pepper spray, an outbreak of mumps and long periods of isolation.

Lewis said housing stability is a concern for those who are couch-surfing, living in transitional housing or back with family due to college dorm closures during the winter break.

The Class of 2021 was given just 12 weeks in the dorms, stretching from the end of August to mid-November.

Westmoreland lived with more than 100 virus-infected men in an open dorm, where he woke up regularly to find men sick on the floor, unable to get up on their own, he said.

The mostly virtual classes, the grab-and-go meals, the weekly coronavirus tests, the Zoom socials, the dorm restrictions, the games without fans, the .

At Simon’s Rock in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, incoming students quarantined in their dorm rooms for more than a week, then were allowed scheduled time outside with dormmates in an expanded quarantine.

Even if the dorms had been closed, many thousands of undergraduates were living in apartments off campus.

Bonomolo would spend most of the week in her dorm room, trying her best to avoid other students.