Downhearted [adjective]

Definition of Downhearted:

depressed, unhappy

Synonyms of Downhearted:

Opposite/Antonyms of Downhearted:

Sentence/Example of Downhearted:

Despair as measured by the new scale represents a downhearted state of mind, not a mental disorder, Copeland suspects.

“They will be all right,” said the captain, striving to cheer up his downhearted young companions.

"We may be here quite a long while," Mr. Wordsley said, and could not contrive to sound downhearted about it.

The woman herself must not be nervous or downhearted, but courageous, and forcing herself by straining and holding her breath.

At intervals, every half-hour or so, a mighty shout would go up, "Are we downhearted?"

"Real beauties," thought Dick, still rather breathless after such a surprise, but not in the least downhearted.

But before Paul had had time to become really downhearted, the door of an inner office opened and a man came forward to meet them.

While thus each was full of his own hopes and expectations, I alone felt depressed and downhearted.

Roger's fat horse no longer tried to unseat its rider or its pack, but seemed to be the most downhearted of the train.

Then turning to his own fellows he shouts, "Are we downhearted?"