Drear [adjective]
Definition of Drear:
Synonyms of Drear:
● Lonely
● Harsh
● Somber
● Dreary
● Sad
● Dark
● Gloomy
● Dismal
● Grim
● Black
● Funereal
● Hard
● Hopeless
● Joyless
● Mournful
Opposite/Antonyms of Drear:
Sentence/Example of Drear:
Twas still but gray abroad––a drear dawn: promising a belated, sullen day.
The streets were “deserted and drear,” and, of course, unlighted—the late Confederacy had no gas and no oil.
I seem suddenly lifted out of a drear monotony of unchanging days, back to a life of extraordinary vitality and promise.
Even then—in that tense moment, the drear anguish of yesterday surged like a wave through my mind; but, upon it a gleam of hope.
Captain Cavendish, expressing his gratitude once more, lounged into the drear and foggy night.
I arose early to discover a morning gray and drear, with a mist falling to chill the bones.
Long may he endure to enliven the drear tameness of civilization with a memory of the world's old wildness.
Time had gone since the old church stood in a desert drear and wild, but still its chimes rang the old petition, hour after hour.
Why must Grendel or his mother represent the tempest, or the malaria, or the drear long winter nights?
It's a drear life to do the same thing every day at the same hour.