Droughtiest [adjective]
Definition of Droughtiest:
dry, desirous (especially for liquid)
Synonyms of Droughtiest:
● Keen
● Inclined
● Hungry
● Greedy
● Anxious
● Eager
● Parched
● Agog
● Ardent
● Arid
● Avid
● Burning
● Craving
● Longing
● Yearning
● Athirst
● Bone-dry
● Appetent
● Lusting
● Sapless
● Wild for
Sentence/Example of Droughtiest:
With eager steps, droughty throats and keen desire they seek the wine cup yet again.
On p. 102, "droughty" should possibly be "drouthy" but has not been amended.
Sheep's Sorrel which had grown on dry, droughty gravel banks only lost 10 per cent.
Some modification of this plan might probably be employed with profit for the storing-up of water for droughty years in England.
Trees set in poor, thin or droughty soil do not make much growth if they survive at all.
Troops that have to march in such droughty country must be able to economise their water rations.
Watering once in two weeks during droughty spells is sufficient.
The climate is temperate and the rainfall usually adequate, but one year in five is expected to be droughty.
Once or twice a stray peasant stumbled on us, and was much surprised at our encampment in so droughty a locality.
In droughty countries like Arizona and New Mexico we were frequently reduced to serious straits to find decent drinking-water.