Economizing [verb]
Definition of Economizing:
save money
Synonyms of Economizing:
Sentence/Example of Economizing:
He would haggle in a bargain for a shilling, and economize in things beneath a wise man's notice or consideration.
Being naturally anxious to economize the small funds I can devote to science, the request appeared to me a reasonable one.
Even the poor who cannot have electricity or gas hardly need economize here with kerosene at its present rates.
Now I have often noticed that women who are compelled to economize in little things are inclined to economize in all things.
They economize in the family expenditure; they employ few or no servants, and do plain sewing, dressmaking, and millinery.
Mademoiselle Brun knew all the conversational tricks that serve to economize words.
Every Country Girl should experiment to see how she can economize motions and save time.
The winter bids fair to be a hard one for American artists in Paris, so I have decided that it would be wise to economize in rent.
Friction should be reduced as much as possible, and careful provision should be made to economize lubricants as well as fuel.
How do you have such a pretty table all the time and still economize in everything, including time and strength?