Ectopic [adjective]
Definition of Ectopic:
Sentence/Example of Ectopic:
When the ectopic ovum begins to develop in the Fallopian tube the placental villi erode the tubal wall and the blood-vessels.
Hirst says an experienced obstetrical specialist sees from 12 to 24 cases of ectopic pregnancy annually.
May an ectopic fetus be killed by operation, electricity, or poison, to avert possible danger of death from the mother?
With conditions like those in question 11, except that the fetus is not viable, may the surgeon remove the inviable ectopic fetus?
In many of these conditions the ovum becomes blocked and rupture follows as in ectopic gestation.
May a surgeon who has opened the abdomen for some condition not uterine incidentally remove a viable ectopic fetus?
The ectopic fetus cannot, of course, be a formal aggressor because it cannot exercise either intelligence or will.
Ectopic gestation is likely to occur in a few cases after conservative operations.
By far the most important of the conditions of the Fallopian tubes is tubal pregnancy (or ectopic gestation).
In that spirit we may now consider the cases that occur in ectopic gestation.