Educator [noun]
Definition of Educator:
Sentence/Example of Educator:
Barrera’s comment was an admission of a significant, existing inequity and how it may be addressed by providing access to educators outside a student’s neighborhood.
Now, with Zoom instruction a necessity, I devoted myself to becoming the very best online educator I could be.
Businesses, publishers, creators and educators can determine whether they’re eligible here.
This is not to detract from the role of the educator but simply to observe the numerous resources that students will have no matter the learning format.
The educators were saying, “We will still teach your children, it will just be online.”
Thomas Courtney is a 20-year educator at Chollas-Mead Elementary in the heart of San Diego.
The educator cannot even count on being at all times able to safeguard the child from the sight of sexual acts.
Such stimuli are continuously in operation, and the best educator has no power to exclude their influence.
The most important requirement of all is certainly a good educator—a word used here in the widest possible signification.
Dr. McCluskey was an eminent scholar, an able preacher, a successful educator and a worthy man in all the walks of life.