Effusion [noun]
Definition of Effusion:
Synonyms of Effusion:
● Stream
● Emission
● Efflux
● Outflow
● Gush
● Address
● Ooze
● Pouring
● Shedding
● Exudate
● Gushing
Opposite/Antonyms of Effusion:
Sentence/Example of Effusion:
Skipper Worse growled a little and rubbed his head, when Sivert Gesvint pressed his hand and welcomed him with effusion.
This she said with unusual effusion; generally the relations between the mother and daughter were a trifle stiff.
Mr. Pope read to us an odd kind of Latin-English effusion of the Dean's, which made us shake with laughter.
There is an intensity and effusion of spirit in them, in which his own more studied compositions are somewhat wanting.
Let us have your news anyway, and forgive this silly stale effusion.
This effusion written and posted, the youth feigned unusual calmness all day, so no one would suspect his designs.
The best actor could hardly have Gilbert's tearful voice and the feverish gesture accompanying the effusion.
After a minute or two another effusion of blood choked the wounded man, who, after a short struggle, fell back dead.
He dreaded meeting Nelly's eyes and welcomed the Dowager's presence with effusion.
Wilhelmine sat motionless for a few moments after she had perused this effusion.