Eggs [noun]

Definition of Eggs:

seed, cell; embryo of an animal

Synonyms of Eggs:

Opposite/Antonyms of Eggs:


Sentence/Example of Eggs:

Eggs and nestlings were found lying on the bare soil at the inner ends of the burrows; no nesting material was found.

The inner ends of the burrows were enlarged with a depression in the floor, where the eggs were laid.

You would laugh if you should see the strings of eggs hanging across this pony's back—yes, eggs.

Thus a straw rope enclosing twenty or more eggs, well protected, was made and thrown over the top of the load.

They were packed in bands of wheat straw, and between each pair of eggs a straw was twisted.

What will you be, some day, when Posey lays eggs, and brings out a brood of little chickens?

I had it repaired, and take my eggs to the hatcheries and my produce to Rosewater three times a week.

It was with much amazement that they watched Henrietta absorb sandwiches, cake, eggs, and fruit.

Most of the latter were empty, although two beside the door were covered with steaks and eggs and coffee and rolls.

The young birds of the year, in their first feathers, cannot be distinguished, and the same may be said of the eggs.