Ellipsis [noun]

Definition of Ellipsis:

turn of expression

Opposite/Antonyms of Ellipsis:


Sentence/Example of Ellipsis:

Kepler’s laws of orbital motion tell us that planets orbit their host stars following ellipses.

For instance, the giant planets’ orbits are not circles, but modestly stretched out ellipses.

In fact, he showed how all motions in the heavens were versions of circles, ellipses, hyperbolas and parabolas.

With this reading, left (l. 22) would be taken as an ellipsis for being left; with the emended reading, for was left.

"As soon as I've seen—" and a significant nod supplied the ellipsis.

A row of asterisks represents an ellipsis in a poetry quotation.

The remaining points connected with the syntax of substantives, are chiefly points of ellipsis.

The preceding examples illustrate an apparent paradox, viz., the fact of pleonasm and ellipsis being closely allied.

Hence arises a more compendious form of expression, giving origin to an ellipsis of a peculiar kind.

It is an ellipsis very frequent in conversation; I should shame you, and tell all; that is, and if I should tell all.