Emending [verb]
Definition of Emending:
Synonyms of Emending:
● Retouch
● Rectify
● Amend
● Edit
● Better
● Right
● Polish
● Alter
● Revise
● Improve
● Touch up
● Emendate
● Redact
Sentence/Example of Emending:
Partly with the help of Toup, we may emend this corrupt passage as follows: , , .
To emend the Vulgate by the Hebrew and Greek is exactly what the heretics seek to do.
Second, all critics have agreed to condemn the digression in which Theobald advertised his ability to emend Greek texts.
Some of these are trivial slips that a scribe copying B might emend on his own initiative, or perhaps by a lucky mistake.
The alteration is very slight, affecting only one letter, and may be due to error in transcription or to mere desire to emend.
Others would slightly emend the text so as to read, "I pronounce happy," or "Happy are we."
Emend′als, funds set apart for repairs in the accounts of the Inner Temple.
Some critical scholar of eminence should be called upon to emend or explain this mysterious passage.
That the last line is nonsense was clear to every one; but no critic ever could emend it.