Emotionally [adverb]
Definition of Emotionally:
Synonyms of Emotionally:
Opposite/Antonyms of Emotionally:
Sentence/Example of Emotionally:
Fifteen-minute weekly sessions with licensed therapists provide people the chance to discuss their emotional states with a designated professional.
Emotion matters, and if you have an opportunity to create emotional content, you’re much more likely to be successful.
The stress led to emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.
It goes beyond the keyword to promise you something to satisfy an emotional need.
These cells are likely “highly interconnected nodes that form a distinct network community” to tune the strength of emotional memories.
Several studies suggest that this can result in stress, which raises the risk of emotional and physical health problems, including depression, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and even death.
He won't butt his head against a stone wall either intellectually, emotionally, or physically.
Whether Bradish felt its influence or not, he had at least the air of a man emotionally much stirred.
Liam's sleeping bag was warm and welcoming after a long, emotionally exhausting day.
Emotionally and otherwise, the Queen's personality corresponds to that of the King, but is more magnetic.