Encampment [noun]

Definition of Encampment:


Synonyms of Encampment:

Opposite/Antonyms of Encampment:


Sentence/Example of Encampment:

Much of the armed encampment in downtown Washington, however, will be gone by the end of Sunday.

The removal of encampments, such as the one on K Street, has been an ongoing issue, she said.

Ramirez said he also decided to vote for Rodriguez in part because he’s younger than a lot of candidates on the ballot and thinks Rodriguez will put a stop to growing homeless encampments.

He’s also launched a 2022 ballot measure committee aimed at reducing homelessness and growing encampments after he steps down from a position of power.

Two days later, he told Politico about his plans to launch a committee backing a 2022 ballot initiative aimed at reducing homelessness and the growing encampments.

Washington attacked a French encampment at the confluence of the Alleghany and Monongahela.

As they rode back toward the encampment the stars were peeping out, and the moon had begun to climb above the hills.

Richard stepped from the tent; the sky was graying in the east; encampment—men, horses, all—were vague black shadows just visible.

That the Seljouks should so prevail over the soldiers of the Cross as to menace the encampment, scarce entered his head.

A man came across the great water, up the river, and along the forest trail, to pause at our encampment with a solemn message.