Enchiridion [noun]
Definition of Enchiridion:
book giving instruction
Synonyms of Enchiridion:
Opposite/Antonyms of Enchiridion:
Sentence/Example of Enchiridion:
A copy of the Enchiridion of Epictetus fell into our hands, and after studying it faithfully, we rejected Stoicism.
The Enchiridion is a summary of theoretical and applied Stoicism.
Cui accessit Pium diurnarum precum Enchiridion, ex quo pueri toto die cum Deo colloqui discant.
The Enchiridion, anno 1524, which has already been mentioned in another place, contains two from this source.
His Discourses and Enchiridion, still much read, are the notes of his teaching collected by his pupil Arrian.
Erasmus says that the Enchiridion attracted little attention at first, but afterward had a great sale.
Nothing could be more distinct than his declarations in the Enchiridion and now, quite recently, in the Adages.
The whole tone of the Enchiridion, for example, is to emphasise the function of the individual conscience in determining action.
The teaching of the Enchiridion was hopelessly against any such conception of moral regeneration.
The letter to Volzius just quoted was printed as a preface to a new edition of the Enchiridion in 1518.